Frequently Asked Questions

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  • How can I contact On-Camera Audiences?
  • For the fastest response, please email us at Some questions are also answered on our Facebook page at or
    on Instagram @OnCameraAudiences

    If you are interested in GROUP FUNDRAISING, email

  • I don't have a printer. How do I obtain my tickets?
  • We email you a confirmation. You can forward that email to a friend who has access to a printer. Or, you can write down the number of your ticket and bring it with you to the show. Or, you can keep the ticket on your phone and show it to our Coordinator. We recommend you screenshot your ticket and bring that with you.

    Be sure to carefully read all information on the ticket!! Each show is unique and has different rules and procedures that you must adhere to.

  • I tried to print my ticket from the website and it didn't work. What do I do?
  • We email you a confirmation of your ticket. You can also print your ticket from this confirmation email.

    You also can go back to show page and find the date. It will say "YOUR TICKET".

  • What does "arrival time" mean?
  • The arrival time is the time that you should be in the audience line at the audience entrance - not the time that you should pull your car into the studio parking lot. The security guards at the studio are not affiliated with our audience company and cannot check you in. You must allow time for parking and walking up to the audience entrance. Once you arrive in line, our audience coordinator will check you in.

  • How early should I arrive at the taping?
  • It depends on the show. Visit us on Facebook and Instagram for more information on specific shows. If you have a "Priority" ticket then be in line 15 minutes prior. If you have a "Line Voucher" for a popular show - we recommend one hour minimum prior.

    We cannot give you a specific time as it really depends on the day and the show. No time that we provide you with will guarantee entrance. Having said that, we don't advise anyone to arrive early but fans of the shows will do it anyway. We can only provide you with TYPICAL arrival times. We advise that you arrive 15 to 45 minutes prior to the arrival time stated on your ticket. Remember, any late arrivals are immediately put on stand by. Always allow extra time for parking.

    Fans begin arriving as early as 2 hours prior to the stated arrival time for our most popular shows and as late as the specified arrival time.

    Bottom line: We want you to have a good time and enjoy your experience. So please arrive at a time that you feel comfortable with knowing that we admit ticket holders on a first-come, first-served basis and we do everything possible to get as many of our ticket holders in at each and every show. Inevitably, there will be people turned away from the most popular shows but we try to avoid it if we can.

  • What is a "line voucher"?
  • A "line voucher" is exchanged for an entry ticket at the show on a first-come, first-served basis. Only those with line vouchers may stand in line for a show. We distribute line vouchers in excess of capacity in order to insure a FULL HOUSE. This is standard procedure; however, we do our very best to forecast the return ratio as to not turn too many people away. Inevitably, it does happen on occasion and we then provide you with guaranteed entrance for another day. Best thing to do is arrive early.

  • I want to be a contestant on one of your shows. How do I find out about this?
  • Please visit the shows' website for contestant information. We are only in charge of booking the studio audiences.

  • Can I give my ticket to someone else to use?
  • It depends on the show. Please call us at 818-295-2700 to inquire.

  • Can I purchase audience tickets?
  • No. All tickets are free and not for sale. If you are offered tickets to purchase, please contact us at (818) 295-2700 and report it.

  • What is a priority ticket?
  • A "Priority Ticket" is guaranteed admission to a taping as long as you arrive on time. If you arrive late, you will be placed in the general admission line.

  • How far in advance can I obtain tickets to a show?
  • We generally release tickets 4 weeks in advance. Shows such as American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Tosh.0, Big Brother have tickets that are released one week prior. If you are coming from out of town, then visit us on Facebook for out-of-town tips on how to plan ahead. www.facebook/OnCameraAudiences

  • What happens if I'm "turned away" from a show?
  • We provide you with a ticket for guaranteed entry for another day. Please know that we do our very best to forecast how many people will be needed to fill the house. However, overbooking is a necessity.

  • How can I be notified that tickets are available for my favorite show?
  • For ticket notifications and to request tickets, please join the mailing/wait list for the specific show you would like to attend. We will then notify you via email when tickets become available.

  • What is a WAIT LIST and how long are they?
  • The wait list simply means that you "waiting for information". It does not ALWAYS mean that the show is full. It may mean that we have not released tickets yet. By joining the wait list, you will then be notified of ticket availability on a first-come, first-served basis. Most of our shows have enough tickets for everyone on the wait list. Other shows with more popularity i.e. Tosh.0, Big Brother,The Price is Right, Dancing with Stars, So You Think You Can Dance, etc...have a wait list of 3-24 months. The best thing that you can do is JOIN THE WAIT LIST! It's the only way to receive info when the show is not currently ticketing.

  • Why do the shows have to be "overbooked"?
  • In order for us to guarantee that every seat is occupied, we need to overbook. Due to the fact that TV show tapings are a free event - the return ratio is very low. It is also affected by weather, traffic, and other unforeseen events; therefore causing it to fluctuate on a daily basis. A higher than normal return ratio causes people to get turned away. The formula we use to derive our booking levels is carefully applied and as conservative as possible while still fulfilling our responsibility of ensuring a "full house" for the producers.

The Masked Singer
The Masked Singer
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